Sunday, February 19, 2012

Nana Anna's Stuffed Peppers

6 large red peppers cleaned, sliced half and all seeds removed.
1 can of black olives, crushed and chopped
1/4 cup of finely, chopped Italian parsley
1 1/2 loaves of white bread with crusts removed, cut into cubes
1 clove of minced garlic (I put the garlic through the garlic press)
1 cup of Romano Cheese
1/2 to 1 cup of olive oil
Salt and Pepper, pinch of red pepper flake (optional)

To make the stuffing, start by removing the crusts from the bread and cut the bread into cubes. Add the bread into a large bowl with olives, parsley, cheese, garlic, salt and pepper. Add about 1/2 of olive oil and 3/4 cup of water (you will have to add as you go, you may need more less). Mix until the bread absorbs the oil and water. You want this mixture to be wet but NOT mushy. Coat a large baking dish with olive oil. Stuff each of the peppers and then drizzle with olive oil. Bake at 375 for about 25-35 minutes, or until the tops are golden brown and the peppers are soft.

Alternative Ideas
**Add peperoni, sausage, anchovies, ricotta or prosciutto to this mixture.

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